Frequently Asked Questions



1. Is your service guaranteed?

2. Why do I need a dealer locator?

3. How do I get my dealer locator on my website?

4. How long does it take to get set up?

5. Can I install the NearestOutlet modules on my own server?

6. Can I update my dealer list?

7. How do I submit my dealers or an update?

8. Can I have the results customized so that the format matches my current website?

9. Is your geographic database updated?

10. Are international locations supported?

1. Is your service guaranteed?

We offer an unconditional 30 day complete satisfaction guarantee. We also offer the same types of service interruption guarantees that you will find on the majority of all on-line services.

2. Why do I need a dealer locator?

A dealer locator will provide critical information at the time when users interested in your product are most receptive.

3. How do I get my dealer locator on my website?

We provide a small snippet of HTML code that can be inserted anywhere in your web pages. It consists of a a zip code entry box and a submit button. We will e-mail you the code snippet and you may copy and paste it straight into your web page(s) as desired.

4. How long does it take to get set up?

Your HTML will be delivered and active within three days of receipt of your dealer list.

5. Can I install the NearestOutlet modules on my own server?

No. In order to maintain strict quality standards for service reliability and to minimize technical difficulties, requires control of the process on our specially configured servers.

6. Can I update my dealer list?

Yes, monthly updates are included with the initial order and additional updates are available at a nominal cost.

7. How do I submit my dealers or an update?

Each time you will submit a complete list of dealers in a Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet or compatible data file. The minimum required fields (columns) are DealerName, DealerAddress, DealerCity, DealerState, DealerZip, DealerPhone.

8. Can I have the results customized so that the format matches my current website?

Yes you can. Cost is determined based on the level of customization required. Simple color and font changes require no additional cost.

9. Is your geographic database updated?

Our company updates all zipcode data monthly so that accuracy of returned data is maximized.

10. Are international locations supported?

United States AND Canadian Location support are available. We are currently working on other international locations.

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